Designed for:
- pumping ofclean and polluted waterfromtrenches, manholes, small bodies of wateron roadsconstruction;
deliveryto the construction sitemortar and otherauxiliary materials.
Installation forwater pumpingSL-220has the following specifications:
BasictrakorMTW, class1,4
Capacity,cubic meters/hour100-110
Full head, m16
nstallation for pumping water BL-220 is used in different situations. This includes the delivery of solutions and other necessary materials on the construction site. And this setting is indispensable for pumping both dirty and clean water from wells and small reservoirs.
In addition, such a facility for pumping water can easily be put on your tractor and just as easily removed. No additional effort is required. Attachments mounted on a tractor equipped with an auxiliary ladle and a rotary blade. Sometimes instead of the auxiliary bucket installation is supplied with a front loader.
Install SL-220 has excellent technical ability. The pump used in this installation is able to pump water from wells and other chemically non aggressive liquids, similar in consistency to water, in case of emergency and various construction works. Additionally, the pump is perfect for watering a large number of farmland. The pumps are of great service life is about 7 years.
The pump used in this device for pumping water, C-245, weight not over 150 pounds. The plant capacity is 100 cubic meters/hour, or 100,000 liters of fluid per hour. The capacity of the installation, and in particular of the pump is sufficient to pump water from a depth of 16 meters, or upload to a similar height. The diameter of the pressure and exhaust hoses, equal to 100 millimeters each. The amount of water necessary to fill this pump is 26 liters. Transmission of power from motor to pump clinometry. The frequency of rotation of the pump shaft at the beginning of the suction 1600 rpm And with hollow loading shaft of the pump frequency is reduced to 1500 rpm.