The value
Basic tractor
MTW, class1,4
The diameterof the bore,mm 150; 250; 400; 500
Drilling depthmax (mm) 2000
The frequencyof rotation of the drill (working) on.min280
Maximumtorque to the storm, N/m630
Overall dimensions, mm:
Mass of equipment (no-load), кг300
In today's world great importance is given varied technique that allows various kinds of work faster and better. Therefore, to drill long-lasting and high-quality well, requires not only high professional skills, but having a functional rig. In today's world this technique has a great performance indicators of the operations.
Drilling rig is very popular in the current spec. equipment for drilling wells. This setting has a length of 2400 mm, height 2200 mm and a width of 720 mm. the design of the drilling device is determined by the purpose well, as well as the conditions and method of drilling. Basically the kit comes with a drilling rig mud pump or compressor.
Drill rig used in exploration, industrial, repair, construction and many other fields of work. The base path drilling device is MTP class 1.4. The diameter of this drill rig can be different: 150; 250; 400; 500 mm. In the process, the drill rotates with a frequency of 280 rpm for 1 minute. The maximum depth to which to drill a well drilling rig up to 2000 mm.
Modern society has seen a growth in demand for drilling rigs, which is not surprising. Because drilling equipment is very promising spec.technique. It is possible that very soon the drill machines will be the weight of gold and prices will increase significantly. Now the range of drilling works, of varying degrees of complexity expands and drilling rigs become highly relevant and necessary equipment.
This drilling rig is very reliable and quality equipment manufactured according to modern technologies for the production of drilling units.